Thursday, December 9, 2021


Daily reality (eventually extended to history’s) is at odds with linguistic reality. The tension between these two realities determines the ultimate tension of the poem.

Ad Zuiderent, from the preface of 'Vijftien gedichten' (Fifteen Poems) by Jacques Hamelink

Game and reality: I believe the tension between these two elements is required to write poetry. What one experiences, feels, should get another dimension than just autobiographical facts, should become that other reality. What would poetry otherwise be than indulging in navel-gazing?

Roger Nupie

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

Sunday, October 31, 2021


Poetry doesn’t accept to be defined, it wants to be recognized. All of a sudden you are affected by something in a way that you know: this is poetry.

Cécile Coulon

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


No need to worry about poetry’s survival. For poetry is an ingredient of daily life, unnoticed by most, hence not affected too much.

Clem Schouwenaars
From: Het huis op de heuvel

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


Friday, April 30, 2021


Writing poetry is the same as obtaining radium.
Efforts: one year. Proceeds: one gram.
In order to invent just one word,
One uses up thousands of tons of waste or sludge.

Vladimir Majakovski

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Friday, February 26, 2021


The poet, like the painter harmonizes what seems to the vegetative eye irreconcilable aspects of the world, into a great design, a great balance.

William Blake

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

Saturday, February 6, 2021


As poetry becomes “sadly peripheral,” hundreds and hundreds of jobs for poets open up…. In numerous ways, these many jobs for “poetry-writing teachers” conceal from our poets themselves the situation we find ourselves in…. Instead of readers we have undiscerning and potentially idolatrous undergraduates; each campus is like a little kingdom..

Brad Leithauser

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same, once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape and significance of the universe, helps to extend everyone's knowledge of himself and the world around him..

Dylan Thomas

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

Thursday, January 21, 2021


The real poet is a creator, he himself produces what we call the poetic, which he doesn’t express in the poem, but writes right through the poem. So, the poem is not the sediment of a poetic experience, but the poetic experience is the poem’s result.

Nic van Bruggen
From: 'Portret van een jonge man als een dichter', De Periscoop, jrg. XII, no. 9-10, 1962.
Sent by Bert Bevers

Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry