Monday, March 30, 2015

LOSS (3)

I don't lose if I write poetry about losing.

Erik Heyman

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster,

Elizabeth Bishop, from 'One Art'

I am quite humble
my world is not more beautiful
than a lost poem

Alain Bosquet


A good poem is a combination of estrangement and something that goes without saying. A good poem "works".

Hugo Brems


Poets don't survive the centuries thanks to their collected works in six volumes but because of what seeps through from these books in all kinds of anthologies. Unfortunately, most of this selection process is left to people who aren't good for anything else and, on second thoughts, even can't handle this noble art.

Bart Govaert

It's true, language is a fragile instrument, which explains why so few poems, robbed from the strenghtening soundboard of a similar sense of time, are able to push through the centuries. But it can also be enormously strong; the first task for the poet is to combine the power of feeling with the word.

J. Elema

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Poetry is the sound of a needle falling into a haystack. Those who can't hear this are deaf.

Tony Rombouts